
Have you checked your National Insurance record yet?

national insurance word or concept represented by black and white letter cubes on a grey horizon background stretching to infinity

Have paid the correct amount of contributions? As we approach the end of the financial year, it’s important to check your National Insurance records. This is to ensure that you have paid the correct amount of contributions. Your National Insurance (NI) contributions are important because they determine your eligibility for certain benefits, such as the … Read more

How do you know if you are choosing the right accounting software for your business?

man selecting accounting software

Choosing the right accounting software. With so many options out there, it’s obvious that recommendation plays a big part in the software you choose. However, the recommendations you receive may be coming from people who have needs very different to yours! So what are the other factors you need to consider? Number 1 – Types … Read more

Artificial intelligence software – is it wise to put your books in the hands of AI?

AI image of a human face

Will AI replace accountants? Will AI replace accountants? No! It’s highly unlikely for AI to replace the need for your friendly neighbourhood accountant, although it does have a huge impact in the accounting and finance world. Artificial intelligence (AI) is dramatically changing our world. In many ways, it has already become part of the fabric … Read more

The Bounce Back Loan

8 blocks with letters on that spell out the word recovery. Each block has a little stack of coins on

do you have a ticking time bomb with your bounce back loan? In recent weeks, The Insolvency Service and Government have revealed that the Bounce Back Loan – AKA the Recovery Loan Scheme. This is an initiative originally devised to help businesses survive the pandemic- has been significantly exploited and misused. Let’s take a look … Read more